Associate Scientist II/Scientist I, Immunology



New York, NY, USA
Posted on Thursday, June 6, 2024


About Immunai:

Immunai is an engineering-first platform company aiming to improve therapeutic decision-making throughout the drug discovery and development process. We are mapping the immune system at unprecedented scale and granularity and applying machine learning to this massive clinico-immune database, in order to generate novel insights into disease pathology for our partners - pharma companies and research institutes. We provide a comprehensive, end-to-end solution - from data generation and curation to therapeutics development, that continuously supports and validates the capabilities of our platform.

As drug development is becoming increasingly inefficient, our ultimate goal is to help bring breakthrough medicines to patients as quickly and successfully as possible.

Immunai is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

About the role:

This position offers an opportunity to work in a highly-collaborative startup environment with world-leading scientists developing and applying state-of-the art genomic technologies to a diverse set of projects at the intersection of the immune system and disease. We are looking for an Associate Scientist/Scientist who will work in a fast-paced team alongside highly experienced senior scientists. Specifically, they will contribute to experiments in functional genomics in the context of immunology and immuno-oncology questions, with readouts spanning flow cytometry, cell-based immunological assays, and standard molecular biology assays. The successful candidate will be an excellent team player, agile in thought, energetic, and willing to learn new methods and skills. They will also work to improve existing protocols and investigate alternative solutions and troubleshoot processes as needed.

Location: New York, NY

What will you do?

  • Independently perform culture and maintenance of cell lines and primary cells, basic molecular biology, immunology assays, flow cytometry and flow sorting
  • Analyze experimental data and identify methodological challenges
  • Adjust experimental protocols to ensure best outcomes and project completion in a timely manner
  • Collaborate closely with colleagues in functional genomics team, application teams and computational biology / software engineering teams
  • Work with supervisor to plan project requirements and timelines
  • Document, compile, and assist with interpreting experimental data
  • Independently prepare data presentations to update teams
  • Prepare, order, and maintain stocks of necessary reagents, solutions, and supplies


Required qualifications:

  • PhD degree (no postdoc experience), MSc (2-4 years experience) or BSc (4-6 years experience) in Immunology, Molecular Biology or related field
  • Laboratory experience with standard molecular biology and cell culture techniques
  • Strong analytical skills, problem solving ability, and innovation aptitude
  • Willing to learn new software and technology applications quickly
  • Strong attention to detail and an ability to multitask
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to effectively work as part of a team
  • Excellent organization and time management skills
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision

Preferred qualifications:

  • Prior experience conducting independent research projects
  • Working knowledge of CRISPR gene editing, primary cell culture, or flow cytometry
  • Familiarity with the isolation and culture of primary T cells or myeloid cells
  • Experience with handling mouse models of inflammation

Desired personal traits:

  • You want to make an impact on humankind
  • You prioritize “We” over “I”
  • You enjoy getting things done and striving for excellence
  • You collaborate effectively with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures
  • You have a growth mindset
  • You are candid, authentic, and transparent

Compensation: This position offers a base salary typically between $85,000 - $110,000. There is an opportunity to consider higher compensation above this range based on business need, candidate experience, and or skills.

*Please note that when you apply for a position at Immunai, your application will be processed via our recruitment platform Comeet. You can read more about how we process personal data here: