Senior Software Engineer

Basis Data Solutions

Basis Data Solutions

Software Engineering
San Francisco, CA, USA
Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2023

About Basis

Basis was founded by two entrepreneurs with a decade of experience in fintech. While consumer fintech has come a long way during that time, business use cases have seen much less innovation.

For example, paying an invoice as a small business is still a tedious and manual process. Filing an expense report still has you going back to your desktop more often than not. And getting approved for a business loan or a credit card is still a document shuffling exercise.

Basis is here to change that, by providing entrepreneurs with the tools and infrastructure to develop first-class business-focused fintech products and services.

At Basis, our mission is to power the next generation of B2B financial services.

About the product

The Basis product is a reinvented credit report for businesses: a passport which they can present to certify the financial health and fundamentals of their business, in order to access the financing and services they need to power their business. The product has multiple interacting components, including:

  • a cash flow profile, which provides historical and real-time analysis that business lenders use to inform their underwriting decisions

  • an onboarding and information sharing UI, which developers embed into their workflows to guide businesses through creating Basis profiles, and connecting those profiles to developer applications

  • a business-facing dashboard which provides business users with analysis of their own finances, and control over which services are connected to their profiles

Our current roadmap involves completing and delivering these features to our early set of partners. Future expansions will include connecting to more sources of business health and performance data, such as billing and invoicing systems.

About you

Basis is looking for 1-2 senior software engineers to join the team. As an applicant, you have 6+ years of full-time production experience with a diverse range of technologies. You have excellent architectural skills and have experience designing, implementing, and critiquing software design. Of course, you are detail-oriented. Last, but not least, you have both the ability and desire to level up your team members in their skills and careers. You’ve operated as a tech lead before and pride yourself on keeping the team running efficiently.

About the role

You will have a wide remit in this role which will include:

  • interfacing with early customers for requirements verification and new product implementation

  • mentoring team members to advance technical and subject matter expertise

  • establishing lasting cultural norms of the Basis team

In addition to these broad expectations, you will have specific responsibilities:

  • contribute to all parts of our application codebase, comprising React, Typescript, Python, PostgreSQL and other technologies

  • review other team members’ work across the codebase, establishing and reinforcing best practices

  • define technical solutions or processes which will level up the team

Nice to have

In addition to everything entailed by the foregoing sections, the supraoptimal candidate will also have previous experience at a fintech startup.